Through raindrops and snowflakes: 5 reasons why cycling year round does wonders for your health

We get it: when the rain hits and temperatures drop, the outside world suddenly seems way less inviting. It’s the season of hibernating with pumpkin spice lattes and Netflix marathons. But guess what: just because days get shorter and darker, doesn’t mean you have to put your life on hold.

Fact: as soon as you start pedaling, your serotonin level increases up to 200%.

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Embrace that yes-mentality

As tempting as it might be to go in full on hermit-mode, we challenge you to embrace a yes-mentality this season. Wear a bright raincoat, pick up a fun hat and let no one raindrop or snowflake stop you from being out and about with your beloved bike.

The 5 health benefits of cycling all year round

Not convinced yet? Riding your bike year round comes with some serious (mental) health benefits.

1. Sky-rocket your happy hormones Immediately after you start pedaling, the happy hormone serotonin spikes. You can reach up to an increase of 200 percent as soon as you start riding. The best news of all is that after the ride serotonin stays boosted, keeping you happy throughout the day.

2. Amp up your vitamin Daylight Feeling a bit down in the dumps during the darker days is very common. One of the reasons can be a lack of vitamin D. Your body produces vitamin D when exposed to (bright) daylight. Hopping on the bike instead of that damp bus ensures you’ll get more daylight in.

3. Keep pedaling and live happily ever after According to a Harvard Medical School study, biking to work is linked to reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, and early death (as long as you stick to the traffic rules, that is). Research from the Utrecht University claims that cycling adds up to six months to the life expectancy of an average Dutch person and prevents 6500 deaths each year in The Netherlands.

4. Strengthen those lungs with cold exposureDuring winter your body has to work more efficiently to pump blood and oxygen around your body. These physiological changes sharpen up the performance of your heart and lungs. This way, cold exposure helps to train your cardiovascular system.

5. Hatsjie! Dodge the bacilliWinter is notorious for being the flu-season. You will not only strengthen your immune system by staying active, but also dodge the sneezing and coughing commuters in damp trains and buses.

Brave the elements safe & sound

Safety always comes first. That’s why we’ve equipped your bike with tires that have extra grip and always-working lights. Always feel free to book an appointment through the app if you feel your bike could do with some maintenance. And remember: there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.





About Swapfiets

Swapfiets ist das weltweit erste "Bicycle-as-a-Service"-Unternehmen mit einem zirkulären Geschäftsmodell. Das 2014 in den Niederlanden gegründete Scale-up hat sich schnell zu einem der führenden Anbieter von Mikromobilität in Europa entwickelt und hat mittlerweile über mehr als 270.000 Mitglieder in den Niederlanden, Deutschland, Belgien, Dänemark, Frankreich und dem Vereinigten Königreich. Swapfiets will die Lebensqualität in europäischen Städten erhöhen, zudem strebt das Unternehmen eine zu 100% zirkuläre Produktlinie an sowie bis 2025 einen klimaneutralen Geschäftsbetrieb. Im Oktober 2022 ist Swapfiets offiziell der B Corp Gemeinschaft beigetreten, um seiner Mission mehr Nachdruck zu verleihen.

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