Blue tires, green ambitions.

We’re continuing our mission to create more liveable cities by adopting renewable energy contracts in all our locations.

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Swapfiets wants to build a better future for everyone. We started by reinventing what bicycle usage could look like, and now we’re stepping up our game by committing to run our business in the most responsible way we can - sustainably. So, in 2021 we’ve committed to 100% renewable energy contracts for all our locations; from offices to warehouses and stores. Yeah, we thought it was about time too.

Renewable energy sources can pave the way for a cleaner and greener future, which (newsflash!) is basically the entire reason we exist. Our beautiful world deserves green, clean, sustainable energy and our legendary team and funky blue-tired bikes are no different.

Relationship status: it’s complicated

Right now we operate in 9 countries, across 64 cities and in over 80 different locations. When it’s up to us (i.e. in the spots where we choose our own utility provider), we choose green energy from the get-go. However, for the locations where utilities are already included, we need to work a little harder to convince our landlords to make the switch. In these situations, the origin of the energy is unknown. Maybe we’re stating the obvious here, but this is not our ideal energy policy. And it’s something we’ll be putting all our energy towards fixing over the coming year.

Realising renewable energy contracts on all Swapfiets locations will offset roughly 10% of our total emissions. In short: the transition to 100% renewable energy is well worth the effort. And we’re committed to making the shift.

We’re also working hard to switch to an electrified Swapcar fleet. This is another space in which renewable energy can make an even bigger impact for our brand and the world. And that’s a (not too distant) future we look forward to.

About Swapfiets

Over Swapfiets
Swapfiets is 's werelds eerste ‘bike as a service’ bedrijf met een circulair businessmodel. Opgericht in 2014 in Nederland, groeide de scale-up snel uit tot een van de meest toonaangevende leveranciers van micromobiliteit in Europa, met inmiddels meer dan 270.000 leden in Nederland, Duitsland, België, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Spanje en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Swapfiets streeft naar meer leefbare Europese steden, een 100% circulaire productlijn en wil in 2025 klimaatneutraal zijn. In oktober 2022 trad Swapfiets officieel toe tot de B Corp gemeenschap om hun missie te verstevigen.

Het concept van Swapfiets is vrij eenvoudig: voor een vast bedrag per maand hebben Swapfiets-leden altijd een werkende fiets. En zijn er onverhoopt problemen, dan wordt de fiets binnen 10 minuten in de winkel gerepareerd of direct vervangen zonder extra kosten. Swapfiets is in Nederland beschikbaar in meer dan 50 plaatsen.

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