We know how to make a good thing last

How higher quality products enable sustainability

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We’ve all been there. You get a new pair of sneakers and one or two years later (if you’re lucky) they’re completely worn out. You splash out on a new smartphone, only to find that after a few years it needs replacing. These days, most products are designed to last a short amount of time. Why? Well, it’s actually pretty simple. Many businesses benefit from products with a short lifetime or ones that are quickly outdated. This ‘quick turnover’ model goes hand in hand with the manufacturing of low quality products. And it’s exactly the type of ‘old economy’ thinking that prevents sustainable living.

When I studied to become an engineer, we were challenged to engineer products that were built to last for 30 years. 30 years! How many consumer products do we know that are designed to last for that long nowadays? With our approach to smart and future-proof mobility in cities, we’re redefining how products are designed.  Martijn, founder

Quality over quantity. Always.

Swapfiets was conceived with one goal in mind - to build a better future. And while we’re aware a lot of brands say this, we’re putting our money where our mouth is. 


Our team of innovative engineers design products that last, while being easy to repair, reuse and recycle. In fact, we create a passport for every single bike we produce. No kidding. It allows us to monitor every piece of material in our supply, from chain to saddle, helping avoid wasted resources and the need for producing new components. Our current Deluxe 7 bike went through this exact process and now breaks down 2x less than the first version we produced. Passports! Who’d a thunk it. 

Smart design = happy people, happy planet.

Our dedicated team improves this smart design over time, making sure our product line is up to scratch for our members and the planet. Innovation is a constantly evolving game - meaning we’ll never be finished. As long as we’re here, we’ll be finding better ways to improve circularity in our business. We’ve got a long way to go, but we won’t ever stop. We wouldn’t be a very successful business if we did.

Producing higher quality bikes means fewer breakdowns for members, avoiding wasted resources and leaving room for better things. Like, you know, milkshakes and stuff.

We all know that biking promotes sustainable living. However, these days it’s not just about the type of product, but the quality of that product too. You might ride rather than drive, but if you need to replace components or your entire bike every few years, this negates all that other good stuff. And that would be a bummer. We don’t like bummers. Our commitment to building a better future means you can count on us for high quality bikes with hassle-free service that keep you moving, 24/7. Easy. Learn more about our combined vision for high quality engineering and our approach to circularity.

About Swapfiets

Over Swapfiets
Swapfiets is 's werelds eerste ‘bike as a service’ bedrijf met een circulair businessmodel. Opgericht in 2014 in Nederland, groeide de scale-up snel uit tot een van de meest toonaangevende leveranciers van micromobiliteit in Europa, met inmiddels meer dan 270.000 leden in Nederland, Duitsland, België, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Spanje en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Swapfiets streeft naar meer leefbare Europese steden, een 100% circulaire productlijn en wil in 2025 klimaatneutraal zijn. In oktober 2022 trad Swapfiets officieel toe tot de B Corp gemeenschap om hun missie te verstevigen.

Het concept van Swapfiets is vrij eenvoudig: voor een vast bedrag per maand hebben Swapfiets-leden altijd een werkende fiets. En zijn er onverhoopt problemen, dan wordt de fiets binnen 10 minuten in de winkel gerepareerd of direct vervangen zonder extra kosten.

Swapfiets startte in 2018 in België en heeft vandaag de dag bijna 15.000 members in ons land, verspreid over Antwerpen, Gent, Mechelen, Leuven en Brussel.

Meer informatie en mediamateriaal vindt u op swapfietsbe.prezly.com. Extra info en visuals over Swapfiets in andere Europese landen, vindt u op u op news.swapfiets.com

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