Ride to thrive

Our partnership with Bicicletas Sin Fronteras: facilitating access to education in Senegal.

At Swapfiets, we’re interested in more than just making our own cities more liveable. So we’re extending our mission to make them happier, healthier, cleaner and greener - to Senegal. Read on 👉

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The iconic Swapfiets blue tire is headed for Africa, thanks to an exciting new partnership which will see hundreds of bikes donated to Senegalese schoolchildren. 

An initial 170 bikes will be shipped out thanks to a link-up with Spanish charity Bicicletas Sin Fronteras (Bicycles without Borders), whose ‘Bicycles for Education’ programme has been helping kids cycle to school in the West African country since 2015. 

A minimum of 200 bikes will follow each year, as we seek to play our part in a project that makes a meaningful difference to everyday life in Senegal.


For many of us in Europe, cycling comes naturally. But we’re aware that not everyone has the privilege of a sturdy bike as a means of transport. We want to help change that.

Without access to two wheels, the only option for many students is to tackle the journey on foot - which, in the Fatick region of Senegal, can take up to 4 hours a day. Cycling can cut this down to just 30 minutes. This not only helps with attendance rates, but means students aren’t worn out by the time they walk through the door - saving more of their energy for the classroom.

Our involvement

Swapfiets, in partnership with Bicicletas Sin Fronteras and with help from Senegal’s Ministry of Education, has so far provided over 170 of these bikes to the community. Not only do our Swapfiets help members improve their lives and the general wellbeing of their community, but it helps us extend the life cycle of our portfolio even further.

At Swapfiets, we’re constantly innovating and riffing on our designs - meaning every few years we phase out older models and replace them with newer ones, leaving perfectly functioning bikes left for donation.

Bicicletas Sin Fronteras assign these bicycles to new students each year, and they’re taking other steps to make a longer lasting impact in the community too. For instance, they train local bike mechanics and are implementing small-scale manufacturing facilities for bike racks and repair sheds, so each bike can be safely stored and maintained - ensuring the next group of students has equal access. As well as financing the transport of 170 Swapfiets bikes, we have sent over a large consignment of spare parts to help give them longevity.

We believe this is the start of a beautiful relationship with a partner that is doing great things on the ground in Senegal, and we’re proud to see our beloved Swapfiets play a pivotal role in this initiative.

Discover more about Bicicletas Sin Fronteras.

About Swapfiets

Over Swapfiets
Swapfiets is 's werelds eerste ‘bike as a service’ bedrijf met een circulair businessmodel. Opgericht in 2014 in Nederland, groeide de scale-up snel uit tot een van de meest toonaangevende leveranciers van micromobiliteit in Europa, met inmiddels meer dan 270.000 leden in Nederland, Duitsland, België, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Spanje en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Swapfiets streeft naar meer leefbare Europese steden, een 100% circulaire productlijn en wil in 2025 klimaatneutraal zijn. In oktober 2022 trad Swapfiets officieel toe tot de B Corp gemeenschap om hun missie te verstevigen.

Het concept van Swapfiets is vrij eenvoudig: voor een vast bedrag per maand hebben Swapfiets-leden altijd een werkende fiets. En zijn er onverhoopt problemen, dan wordt de fiets binnen 10 minuten in de winkel gerepareerd of direct vervangen zonder extra kosten.

Swapfiets startte in 2018 in België en heeft vandaag de dag bijna 15.000 members in ons land, verspreid over Antwerpen, Gent, Mechelen, Leuven en Brussel.

Meer informatie en mediamateriaal vindt u op swapfietsbe.prezly.com. Extra info en visuals over Swapfiets in andere Europese landen, vindt u op u op news.swapfiets.com

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