Easy, breezy, e-Bike

We might be biased, but E-bikes are so good.

What is better than arriving at your destination? Easy. Arriving at your destination faster, easier and less sweaty! Luckily, we have what it takes to make that a reality. You guessed it… our E-bike.

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It’s as easy as riding a bike

In a city, getting to wherever you’re going by bike is, in general, a great thing. You get to skip traffic jams no matter how many people are on the road and you don’t have to sit or *gasp* stand in a busy metro, tram or bus for ages while you stare out of the window hoping at least fifty percent of the other passengers need to get out at the next stop. Don’t even get us started about waiting for public transport or seeing your bus drive away seconds before you get to the bus stop. With a bike you get to cycle past everyone who decided not to ride a bike that day. Do we sound smug? Perhaps. Is it worth it? Definitely.

Our E-bike takes this ease to the next level. Because not only do you get the benefits of cruising past traffic mayhem, you get so much more. Everybody who rides an E-bike says that it feels like you’re flying. Your rides are easy & breezy. You will get from A to B a lot quicker than before, especially when you have a longer commute. And the extra 5 minutes you need to cool down and wipe the sweat off your brow after cycling for a while? Riding an E-bike solves that problem. Stop rushing. Start riding.

Let’s be honest, there is really no reason not to cycle or try our E-bike for extra comfort and speed.

Durable and trustworthy

The best type of e-Bike is an e-Bike that you can trust and is strong. Our e-Bikes are made of great quality materials, well constructed and have anti-puncture tires so the chance of getting a flat tire is smaller. Now that the nights are slowly getting longer and the days a bit shorter, our automatic always-working lights are a cycling necessity. Don’t worry, all our bikes come equipped with them! Fast AND visible in the dark? We know, we know. You’re welcome.A Swapfiets membership provides you with your very own e-Bike and allows us to quickly repair your e-Bike or swap it if we can’t fix it right away. Stop owning, start subscribing.

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Benefits of the membership

* Free service within 48 hours.

* A high-quality personal e-Bike.

* Durable and sustainable cycling.

We understand that needs and speeds can change and want your ride to be perfect for you. So, from fixing a flat tire or a battery maintenance check to simply adjusting the height of your saddle or handlebars, let us help you with that.

Are you ready to go fast on your very own Swapfiets e-Bike? We will make sure you can join the E-bike movement asap. Let's go!

Favicon for swapfiets.nl Our E-bikes in The Netherlands - Swapfiets swapfiets.nl

Already have a Swapfiets bike and want to upgrade to an e-bike? Contact the Swapdesk: +31 88 99 11 600

Want to know more? Follow us on our social channels for the newest updates, promotions and inspiration.

About Swapfiets

Over Swapfiets
Swapfiets is 's werelds eerste ‘bike as a service’ bedrijf met een circulair businessmodel. Opgericht in 2014 in Nederland, groeide de scale-up snel uit tot een van de meest toonaangevende leveranciers van micromobiliteit in Europa, met inmiddels meer dan 270.000 leden in Nederland, Duitsland, België, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Spanje en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Swapfiets streeft naar meer leefbare Europese steden, een 100% circulaire productlijn en wil in 2025 klimaatneutraal zijn. In oktober 2022 trad Swapfiets officieel toe tot de B Corp gemeenschap om hun missie te verstevigen.

Het concept van Swapfiets is vrij eenvoudig: voor een vast bedrag per maand hebben Swapfiets-leden altijd een werkende fiets. En zijn er onverhoopt problemen, dan wordt de fiets binnen 10 minuten in de winkel gerepareerd of direct vervangen zonder extra kosten. Swapfiets is in Nederland beschikbaar in meer dan 50 plaatsen. www.swapfiets.nl

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